S.No | Receipt Date | Inward/ Outward Dairy No. | File No. | Subject | Fowarded to |
1 | 11/12/2020 | 49344 | No.3907/Ind.&Com./CSR/ONGC/UNIT-III/2020-21 | "Ind.&Com. - CSR ,Yanam." |
Law |
2 | 11/12/2020 | 25457 | J-13/Ind&Com/A6/6462/2016-17 | "Ease of doing Business hosting website at NDC .hydrabad -Payment of fees .Sanction sought" |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
3 | 11/12/2020 | 49057 | No.25/Comp/DIC/2020dt.7.12.2020 | "DIC - Purchase of New Computers/ Multi Function Printers and UPS through GEM portal - Administrative Approval Sought for -Reg." |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
4 | 11/12/2020 | 49344 | No.3907/Ind.&Com./CSR/ONGC/UNIT-III/2020-21 | "Ind.&Com. - CSR ,Yanam." |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
5 | 11/12/2020 | 49009 | J.13/I&C/A6/EoDBServiceAct/7000/2020dt04/12/2020 | "DI&C - Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) - Enactment of Service Level Agreement Act -Reg. " |
CS |
6 | 11/12/2020 | 48699 | I-13/Ind&Com/A-6/4579/2020dt27/11/2020 | "Ind&Com - Startups to participate in the tendering process along with established Companies/Organizations - Reg. |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
7 | 11/12/2020 | 48702 | 1-13/Ind&Com/A6/2019-20dt27.11.2020 | "Aspiring puducherry Innovation & Startup Policy -2019 Approval" |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
8 | 11/12/2020 | 48876 | 1822/Ind&Com/E4/GIA-SBTML/2020-21/Vol-IIdt2/12/2020 | "Ind&Com-SBTML-Financial Assistance to SBTML for the year 2020-21-Sanction -Orders-Issued -Reg." |
IT. |
9 | 11/12/2020 | 48899 | 2723/DI&C/B4/2020dt2/12/2020 |
"DI&C- Request for the NOC towards the sale of plot and Superstructure in respect of M/s. Shri Vijay Industries- Reg. " |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
10 | 11/12/2020 | 48995 | A.12015/1/2018/E2/DIC/PFdt04.12.2020 | "DIC-Estt-Grant of financial upgradation under the Modifed Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP)- Proposal Forwarded" |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
11 | 11/12/2020 | 48997 | A.22/21/IND/ESTT/A2/2012DT.04.12.2020 | "IND & COM - PROMOTION / TRANSFER & POSTING OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIES - REG" |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
12 | 11/12/2020 | 49054 | N0.2281/DIC/GM/Mtg.Minutes/2020 | "DIC - Review meeting - Minutes for approval -Reg. " |
13 | 11/12/2020 | 49257 | No.J.11015/12/DIC/RM/Advt./2019-20dt.10-12-20 | "DIC-RM- Settlement of Advertisement Charges- Expenditure Sanction - Requested - Reg." |
Dte. of Ind. & Com. |
14 | 10/12/2020 | 49057 | No.25/Comp/DIC/2020dt.7.12.2020 | "DIC - Purchase of New Computers/ Multi Function Printers and UPS through GEM portal - Administrative Approval Sought for -Reg." |
Finance |
15 | 10/12/2020 | 48850 | 2310/PMFME/Ind&Com/U-III/20-21 |
CS |
16 | 10/12/2020 | 49181 | 4978/Ind&Com/SEPC/2020-21dt09/12/2020 | "Sub-DI &C- Constitution of District Level Export Promotion Committee (DLEPC) - Reg " |
CS |