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Directorates Of Industries And Commerce, Puducherry

Be Allocation- 2022-23

Sl.No. Name of the Schemes

BE - 2022-23

(in Lakhs)

1 Handicraft (General) 110.23
Handicraft (SCP) 3.88
Total52.8 52.8
2 Development of Khadi & Village Industries 1195.30
3 Coir (General) 37.83
Coir (SCP) 6.55
Total 44.38
4 Training(General) 93.31
Training(SCP) 13.45
Total 106.76
5 Marketing & Publicity(General) 51.64
Marketing & Publicity(SCP) 0.02
Total 51.66
6 Direction and Administration(DIC) 317.81
7 Sericulture Industries(General) 0.04
8 MUPSES (General) 29.50
Total 42.5
9 Motivation of Entrepreneures to Start Industriers and Phsical assistance to industries. 75.00
10 Office of the Claims comissioner(AFT) 6.10
11 Share Capital / GIA to PTC 1499.07
12 Share Capital / GIA to SBTML 1444.02
13 Direction and Administration(DI&C) 399.50
14 Development of Industrial Estate 88.73
15 Payment of current consumption charges water consumption charges Telephone charges etc, 15.25
16 State Startup Cell 30.00
  Grand Total 5078.40
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